Research Blog #3

 Research Question:

There has been an increase in the number of international students at American universities. Why did they choose to apply to American universities? What are some hardships they face once they attend Universities?

Academic Resources:

Asia London Palomba Correspondent. “When College Is Online, Where Do International Students Go?” Christian Science Monitor, 11 June 2020, p. N.PAG. EBSCOhost,

Ma, Yingyi. “Analysis | China's Education System Produces Stellar Test Scores. So Why Do 600,000 Students Go Abroad Each Year to Study?” The Washington Post, WP Company, 17 Dec. 2019,

Redden, Elizabeth. “Inside Higher Ed.” International Enrollments Drop by 16 Percent, 16 Nov. 2020,


  1. As I noted in one of my previous comments on your blog, you should definitely look at Yingyi Ma's BOOK: Ambitious and Anxious: How Chinese College Students Succeed and Struggle in American Higher Education, which is now available online through the Rutgers Libraries (you will need to log in as directed for the link to work):

    You should also look for the articles on Karin Fischer in The Chronicle of Higher Education, especially this one (which is actually best accessed via the Rutgers Libraries site, though you should have a couple free articles):
    "The Chinese Mother’s American Dream"

    The article suggests that Chinese international students may, in some ways, be fulfilling the dreams of their parents more than their own.


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